
1)、Do you know why people like violence?It’s because it feels good.Humans find violence deeply satisfying.But remove the satisfaction,and the act becomes hollow.你知道人們為什么喜歡用暴力么?因為那感覺很好。人類覺得使用暴力令人滿足。但是除去這些滿足感,暴力行為就變的很空洞。
2)、Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.「有時候,被世人遺棄的人,才能成就別人想像不到的大事!
4)、No one normal could have done that.Do you know,this morning...I was on a train that went through a city that wouldn't exist if it wasn't for you.I bought a ticket from a man who would likely be dead if it wasn't for you.I read up on my work...a whole field of scientific inquiry that only exists because of you.
5)、-They only beat me up because I’m smatter than they are.-No,they beat you up because you’re different.-他們揍我只是因為我比他們聰明。-不是,他們揍你是因為你很獨特。

6)、Every day we decided who lived and who died.Every day we helped the allies to victories,and nobody knew.我們每天都決定著別人的生死。我們每天幫助盟友取得勝利,然而無人知曉。
7)、This isn’t about crossword puzzles.It’s about how one approaches solving an impossible problem.Do you take the whole thing at once or divide it into small。這不僅僅是個填字游戲這么簡單。還包括一個人怎樣去解決一個不可能的問題。你是用整體法解決呢?還是分成一個個小的。
8)、Who will fall in love with ordinary?誰會愛上普通?
9)、You know why people like violence?It’s because it feels good.Sometimes we can’t do what feels good.We have to do what is logical.你知道人們為什么喜歡訴諸暴力么?因為用暴力宣泄很爽快,但有時候我們不能讓感情戰勝理智。我們要三次而后行。
10)、Hardest time to lie to somebody is when they’re expecting to be lied to.If someone’s waiting for a lie,you can’t just give them one.撒謊最煎熬的時候就是明知道別人在等你撒謊的時候。如果別人在等著你撒謊。你不能只是給他們制造一個謊言。
11)、I know it's not ordinary.But who ever loved ordinary?我知道這不尋常。但是有誰喜歡平庸呢?
13)、不懂你的人為你的成就喝采,懂你的人為你的付出心疼。Those who don't understand you cheer at your success,those who do are saddened by the price you paid.
17)、But if you choose to stay,remember you chose to be here.What happens from this moment forwards is not my responsibility.It’s yours.
18)、You need me a lot more than I need you.你需要我大于我需要你。
20)、Sometimes it is the very people who no one imagines anything of,who do the things that no one can imagine.有時候,正是那些人們認為的無用之人,成就了無人所成之事。
21)、Sometimes It's very people who no one imagines angthing of who do the thing no one can imagine.有時,正是人們不抱期望之人,做出人們不敢期望之事
25)、Are you a bleeding pacifist?你是和平主義者嗎?I'm agnostic about violence.我是暴力不可知論者。
